
TULSI: TULSI or Holy Basil

The Tulsi has its origin in Asia, particularly cultivated in India, where it grows naturally near houses and temples.
It belongs to the family of the Labiates and reaches an height of about 40 to 120 centimetres. Its dark, green leaves are very fragrant and have a light spicy taste. Its flowers are very small and white with a pink shade.
The Ayurvedic medicine used, and keeps using, the leaves, seeds and roots of the Tulsi to cure a number of diseases.
The Tulsi is an effective antiseptic and natural astringent; it has also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory well known properties, contends with various kinds of infections and relieves the pain caused by stings of insects as well.
Its oil is rich of vitamin C, carotene, calcium and phosphorus.

Family: Lamiacee (Labiate)
Principal ingredients:

Toad flax (Linaria vulgaris) 45%,


Limonane and Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus).

Crema Botanica

From India

Indù peoples considered the Tulsi or Tulasi a sacred plant (see its descriptions in the “Veda”) consecrated to Visnù and Krishna and bear a great respect to it. The leaves are used in their daily rituals to protect the family’s well-being and keep the insects off the house.

If the Tulsi grows easily in the soil it means that that particular place is a healthy one. They believe, in fact, that the mere presence of this “magic plant” has the power to drive the evil spirits away and, on the other hand, attract the divine blessing. The wood of the Tulsi plant is used during their ceremonies to light sacrificial fires.

The Indù peoples believe that, hanging around their neck a piece of wood of Tulsi at the moment of their death, this takes the “Yamaraj Deva” away. In some parts of India the Tulsi is called: “Queen of all plants”.

According to the legend, Tulsi was a beautiful girl called: Maharani whom god Krishna had fallen in love of, but she was already married to a warrior. God Krishna’s desire of her was so strong that, in order to have her, he transformed himself into the semblance of her husband. When the young woman discovered his deceit, she hurled a curse against the god to transform him into a stone, but the furious god turned and shut her into a plant to which he gave the name of Tulsi.

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